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October 5, 2011 - Public Hearing`
Public Hearing
October 5, 2011
The hearing was called to order at 7:30 PM.  Present were: Tom Daly, Jerry Gannelli, John Mirick and alternate member Ann Neuburg. Chairman Rick McCowan and Mark Canfield were absent.

Public Hearing - Site Plan Review
Jerry moved to suspend the regular meeting and call the public hearing to order for the combined Special Permit/Site Plan Review for Frances and Stephen Knapp for a Home Occupation.  Tom seconded. All in favor (4-0).

Doug Andrysick presented the following on behalf of Frances and Stephen Knapp:
  • The Knapp’s are purchasing property on 53 Worcester Rd, currently owned by the Kenneth and Barbara Heekin.
  • The proposal is to construct  a 50 by 80 foot artist’s workshop addition on the property
  • The workshop will be used to design and construct light paintings to be sold to museums.
  • Notice of Intent was filed with the Conservation Commission and approval granted
  • Approval of new septic design and leaching field was granted by the Board of Health
  • There will not be additional traffic
  • Retail sales will not take place on premises
  • There will be one nonresident employee. It was determined that up to three nonresident employees are allowed with the special permit.
Tom asked if any large trees will be removed. Doug said the clearing will consist mainly of briar bush and sumac.

There were no members of the public present. Building Inspector John Wilson sent a note to the board stating that he meet with Stephen Knapp and his architect and does not have any concerns with the issuance of a Special Permit. James and Veree O’Coin, 41 Worcester Rd, sent an email in support of the plans.

The board determined all requirements for the Special Permit and Site Plan Review have been satisfied. John moved to approve the issuance of a Special Permit and Site Plan Review. Jerry seconded. All in favor (4-0).
John will draft the final Decision. The board will sign on October 19, after that it will be signed by the Town Clerk which begins the 20 day appeal period.

John moved to close the public hearing at 8:05 pm. Tom seconded.  All were in favor (4-0).

Respectfully Submitted,

Brenda Savoie
Administrative Assistant